Music Reviews

from $9.99

Get an in depth professional album review + select a track to be placed on two of our Spotify Playlists. A thoroughly descriptive article extrapolating on the nuances and highlighting the brilliance exuded in your single or album. This engaging write up will bolster anticipation and generate traction further cultivating momentum towards your release. This article will breakdown your music and express the feelings and thoughts evoked by your work. Also creating an article that could be optimized in your EPK [Music Resume].

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Get an in depth professional album review + select a track to be placed on two of our Spotify Playlists. A thoroughly descriptive article extrapolating on the nuances and highlighting the brilliance exuded in your single or album. This engaging write up will bolster anticipation and generate traction further cultivating momentum towards your release. This article will breakdown your music and express the feelings and thoughts evoked by your work. Also creating an article that could be optimized in your EPK [Music Resume].

  • Basic + 19.99

    150-200 word article review your Single, or EP. Accompanied with a poster with an excerpt of the article.

  • Artist Spotlight + 29.99

    250-350 word in depth article thoroughly delving into your Album, while giving a breakdown of each song.

  • Special Feature + 39.99

    350+ word article feature it on our top banner, for more traffic and engagement receive all of the features in the Basic and Standard Packages.

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