Offensive “Inhabitants of Purgatory”

Offensive unloads the most potent riffs, and the heaviest sound to unleash hell in our ears.

The dichotomy of heaven and hell is a topic that has been touched on more than once in the music industry. Although some choose to praise God with their praises and hymns, others prefer to descend into hades and serenade the lord of darkness. However, very few can achieve the perfect alchemy between good music and the darker side of hell.

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And then there's "Offensive," the Heavy Metal band that becomes your guide through the depths of Satan's domain and whose music is the perfect excuse to shake your head like there's no tomorrow!

"Inhabitants of purgatory" is a set of 11 songs that invigorate you with the purest energy of heavy metal. A roller coaster ride from start to finish, Offensive smashes conventional paradigms with every violent chord of his guitars. It will transform any simple evening into a real Viking gathering.

« Offensive has a mythical aura, they master their guitars to perfection, and their lyrics are worth trumpeting by Anton LaVey! »

Whether we want to go to "Babylon," or we have "Nowhere to run," "Inhabitants of Purgatory" gives us a suitable song for every moment. Although if you want to enjoy the heaviest metal, my recommendation is "King of the underworld" and "Wake up the darkness," the album's intro and outro…

It is necessary to emphasize the depth of their lyrics, which goes beyond a simple apology to the devil and the dark side of music. Offensive masterfully narrates the decadence of the times in which we live and the rotten state of society. Like Lucifer, we have fallen from grace; the difference is that humanity has done nothing to remedy it.


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